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Danielle Royce and Her Book I Found Myself in Heaven Impacts Lives Positively

Personal experiences are often just that—personal, but sometimes they transcend into learning points for other people. After Danielle Royce‘s near-death experience, she has chosen to inform the world about another world beyond the earth as everyone knows it. She details her experience in her new book I Found Myself in Heaven through which she hopes to change lives.

Without the intention to ever become an author or write a book, Danielle Royce’s journey changed dramatically during an event she describes as “passing through death like a doorway and coming back.” The book chronicles all that she experienced and the revelations she received when she died and went to heaven. At the time, she was experiencing deep pain, depression, hopelessness, and low self-worth and all of that changed miraculously after she made it back alive.

I Found Myself in Heaven documents Danielle’s experience seeing God’s astonishing love for her and everyone in the world.

“Engulfed in this love, I felt indescribable joy and perfect peace. All of life’s questions were answered. I gained a new perspective of myself, who I was meant to be, and how life should be lived. God’s love comes flooding back to me when I share my story. I had to go to Heaven to realize the choice I was given. You don’t have to go to Heaven and back. The same choice is yours right now. You do not have to be perfect or super spiritual. Read my story and discover how much God loves you, that He knows you personally and has a great plan for your life,” Danielle said.

Despite being a first-time author, Danielle Royce made sure to put a structure in place to preserve all the details and important pieces of her story. She established a publishing company, LifeRich Publishing, under which the book was published. Danielle also retained all publishing rights and is committed to publishing all her upcoming books under the company. She hoped to get her book out there to as many people as possible to ensure they all hear God’s message and understand the power of love.

Publishing I Found Myself in Heaven for Danielle Royce was a calling, and she does not seek a career out of being an author. All she cares about is connecting with others and making an impact on their lives and souls. Over the next few years, Danielle Royce hopes to publish more books and connect with more people globally. She also intends to expand her audience reach by propagating her message at different public events.

“I was motivated to write this book after my near-death experience. I know where I was, and I know why I was sent back. I knew I had to come back and make sure I reached as many people as possible to tell them of the goodness of God. I hope to continue to do that for as many years as possible,” she said.

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