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Artificial Intelligence 101: A Guide to Understand AI

Artificial intelligence is thrown around quite a bit, but what does it mean? What makes a computer “intelligent”? And are humans obsolete?

In this post, we’ll discuss the history of AI, different types of intelligence in computers and animals, and the future of AI. We’ll also discuss why people fear AI and how experts think people should feel.

The Origin of “Artificial” and “Intelligence”

So why was the word artificial intelligence invented? Many people think it was initially intended to mean “Artificial Life,” but we can’t find any evidence for this assumption. The word intelligence comes from Latin, which means “expecting to understand.” Those who applied intelligence in their work were smart people. It is also notable that artificial in Latin means “made by a human. “

“Artificial Intelligence” was first mentioned in a 1958 book about computing, but even the authors of this book preferred not to use the term. Many popular science books, including those about artificial intelligence, still use “Artificial Intelligence” and “Intelligence” interchangeably. This reflects the fruitful history of AI research, which started with simple systems like chess-playing computers and simulated rats and then moved on to more complex decision-making systems and cognitive abilities. The book containing the first reference to “AI” may seem more like a book about chess-playing computers.

What is the history of Artificial Intelligence? Is it even possible to make a machine “intelligent”?

It all started with a simple problem: how can computers play chess? Chess is a game that requires intelligence and thought. Did people invent chess, or did the machine invent itself? Many people think that machines cannot have intelligence because they see them as machines rather than thinking beings.

In 1928, Alan Turing proposed an experiment to make artificial intelligence possible. His goal was to replace a machine’s memory unit with a human player. Turing predicts that it would be relatively easy for a human player to know where the machine is going next if he looks at the machine’s long-term memory for previous moves. He said that if it were possible for a human being to predict what the computer was going to do, then artificial intelligence would have been achieved.

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AI Is Tech That Appears To Think As You Do-

A computer is intelligent only if it can learn new skills and make decisions without telling them to do so, but many people think computers cannot learn how to do something independently. After all, they are mechanical devices and have no brains or consciousness. The Turing test is a good example of a test by which experts evaluate computers. In this test, a man is asked to evaluate whether the computer he’s talking to is a living person or not.

This Is Just The Very Beginning Of AI

AI is a very vast topic, and there are still many questions that need to be answered. This is why it’s important to constantly expand our understanding of the field of AI. This post discusses artificial intelligence, why people fear AI, and how experts think people should feel. Next time we’ll discuss the history of AI, different types of intelligence in computers and animals, and the future of AI.

The future is bright for artificial intelligence, but how does it affect human society and the middle class? We’ll talk about that in our next post. Until next time!

The History of Computer Programming Languages

This is part 1 of a 5 part series on the history of computer programming languages. Today we’ll discuss the early days of computer programming languages and where they started. Next, we’ll cover the growth period, followed by a decline period.

But We’re Not There Yet

People have been writing code for computers since the 1940s, but computer programming languages are still a relatively new field. This is because computers have only recently needed their language to communicate with each other. I mean, we’ve known how to program computers since the 1950s! The problem is that early computers couldn’t communicate with each other, so programming had to be done through punch cards and paper printouts. There were no computers in their own right until the 1960s.

So, programming in assembly and machine languages was the same today. There weren’t any computer languages that could be used on various computers, so programmers had to program every computer individually. Even after this was changed, it took another 15 years for programmers to be able to use different languages on different machines. In 1982 a computer program called the “C” language was published, revolutionizing programming.

The first languages were so complicated that they had to be written by hand. I remember writing a program in Fortran II that took three weeks to write one line of code.

Programming Is Hard

The first computer languages were so complicated that they had to be written by hand. I remember writing a program in Fortran II that took three weeks to write one line of code. Compare this to today; you’d be lucky to write the same line of code in a few minutes. Programming today has become incredibly easy, thanks to modern-day languages like Java, C++, and Python. These were create for programming computers and are widely use for enterprise and small-scale applications. The Next Part Is Coming Soon! This is just the beginning. If you want to see what happens next in the history of programming, check back soon. I promise you it will be worth the wait!

Robots And Machine Learning: A New Age Of AI Is Here

This is part 1 of a 10-part series on robots and machine learning. This series aims to help you understand where robotics is today and where it’s going. This first post will cover why AI is important and how it evolves.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has existed for almost as long as technology. However, the “AI” of yesterday was more science fiction than anything else. That’s because computers were never very intelligent until they learn to use machine learning. Machine learning is the process by which a computer learns from experience to solve problems and make decisions.


Artificial intelligence is a vast topic, and many questions still need to be answered. This is why it’s important to expand our understanding of the field of AI. This post discusses artificial intelligence, why people are scare of AI, and how experts think people should feel instead. Next time we’ll discuss the history of AI, different types of intelligence in computers and animals, and the future of AI.

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